UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+0180 to U+027F

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page format standard · w/o parameter choice · print view
language German · English
code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display əɈȰ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0259 U+0248 U+0230
UTF-8 0311 0231 0311 0210 0310 0260
code point
character UTF-8
U+0180ƀ0306 0200
U+0181Ɓ0306 0201
U+0182Ƃ0306 0202
U+0183ƃ0306 0203
U+0184Ƅ0306 0204
U+0185ƅ0306 0205
U+0186Ɔ0306 0206
U+0187Ƈ0306 0207
U+0188ƈ0306 0210
U+0189Ɖ0306 0211
U+018AƊ0306 0212
U+018BƋ0306 0213
U+018Cƌ0306 0214
U+018Dƍ0306 0215
U+018EƎ0306 0216
U+018FƏ0306 0217
U+0190Ɛ0306 0220
U+0191Ƒ0306 0221
U+0192ƒ0306 0222
U+0193Ɠ0306 0223
U+0194Ɣ0306 0224
U+0195ƕ0306 0225
U+0196Ɩ0306 0226
U+0197Ɨ0306 0227
U+0198Ƙ0306 0230
U+0199ƙ0306 0231
U+019Aƚ0306 0232
U+019Bƛ0306 0233
U+019CƜ0306 0234
U+019DƝ0306 0235
U+019Eƞ0306 0236
U+019FƟ0306 0237
U+01A0Ơ0306 0240
U+01A1ơ0306 0241
U+01A2Ƣ0306 0242
U+01A3ƣ0306 0243
U+01A4Ƥ0306 0244
U+01A5ƥ0306 0245
U+01A6Ʀ0306 0246
U+01A7Ƨ0306 0247
U+01A8ƨ0306 0250
U+01A9Ʃ0306 0251
U+01AAƪ0306 0252
U+01ABƫ0306 0253
U+01ACƬ0306 0254
U+01ADƭ0306 0255
U+01AEƮ0306 0256
U+01AFƯ0306 0257
U+01B0ư0306 0260
U+01B1Ʊ0306 0261
U+01B2Ʋ0306 0262
U+01B3Ƴ0306 0263
U+01B4ƴ0306 0264
U+01B5Ƶ0306 0265
U+01B6ƶ0306 0266
U+01B7Ʒ0306 0267
U+01B8Ƹ0306 0270
U+01B9ƹ0306 0271
U+01BAƺ0306 0272
U+01BBƻ0306 0273
U+01BCƼ0306 0274
U+01BDƽ0306 0275
U+01BEƾ0306 0276
U+01BFƿ0306 0277
U+01C0ǀ0307 0200
U+01C1ǁ0307 0201
U+01C2ǂ0307 0202
U+01C3ǃ0307 0203
U+01C4DŽ0307 0204
U+01C5Dž0307 0205
U+01C6dž0307 0206
U+01C7LJ0307 0207
U+01C8Lj0307 0210
U+01C9lj0307 0211
U+01CANJ0307 0212
U+01CBNj0307 0213
U+01CCnj0307 0214
U+01CDǍ0307 0215
U+01CEǎ0307 0216
U+01CFǏ0307 0217
U+01D0ǐ0307 0220
U+01D1Ǒ0307 0221
U+01D2ǒ0307 0222
U+01D3Ǔ0307 0223
U+01D4ǔ0307 0224
U+01D5Ǖ0307 0225
U+01D6ǖ0307 0226
U+01D7Ǘ0307 0227
U+01D8ǘ0307 0230
U+01D9Ǚ0307 0231
U+01DAǚ0307 0232
U+01DBǛ0307 0233
U+01DCǜ0307 0234
U+01DDǝ0307 0235
U+01DEǞ0307 0236
U+01DFǟ0307 0237
U+01E0Ǡ0307 0240
U+01E1ǡ0307 0241
U+01E2Ǣ0307 0242
U+01E3ǣ0307 0243
U+01E4Ǥ0307 0244
U+01E5ǥ0307 0245
U+01E6Ǧ0307 0246
U+01E7ǧ0307 0247
U+01E8Ǩ0307 0250
U+01E9ǩ0307 0251
U+01EAǪ0307 0252
U+01EBǫ0307 0253
U+01ECǬ0307 0254
U+01EDǭ0307 0255
U+01EEǮ0307 0256
U+01EFǯ0307 0257
U+01F0ǰ0307 0260
U+01F1DZ0307 0261
U+01F2Dz0307 0262
U+01F3dz0307 0263
U+01F4Ǵ0307 0264
U+01F5ǵ0307 0265
U+01F6Ƕ0307 0266
U+01F7Ƿ0307 0267
U+01F8Ǹ0307 0270
U+01F9ǹ0307 0271
U+01FAǺ0307 0272
U+01FBǻ0307 0273
U+01FCǼ0307 0274
U+01FDǽ0307 0275
U+01FEǾ0307 0276
U+01FFǿ0307 0277
U+0200Ȁ0310 0200
U+0201ȁ0310 0201
U+0202Ȃ0310 0202
U+0203ȃ0310 0203
U+0204Ȅ0310 0204
U+0205ȅ0310 0205
U+0206Ȇ0310 0206
U+0207ȇ0310 0207
U+0208Ȉ0310 0210
U+0209ȉ0310 0211
U+020AȊ0310 0212
U+020Bȋ0310 0213
U+020CȌ0310 0214
U+020Dȍ0310 0215
U+020EȎ0310 0216
U+020Fȏ0310 0217
U+0210Ȑ0310 0220
U+0211ȑ0310 0221
U+0212Ȓ0310 0222
U+0213ȓ0310 0223
U+0214Ȕ0310 0224
U+0215ȕ0310 0225
U+0216Ȗ0310 0226
U+0217ȗ0310 0227
U+0218Ș0310 0230
U+0219ș0310 0231
U+021AȚ0310 0232
U+021Bț0310 0233
U+021CȜ0310 0234
U+021Dȝ0310 0235
U+021EȞ0310 0236
U+021Fȟ0310 0237
U+0220Ƞ0310 0240
U+0221ȡ0310 0241
U+0222Ȣ0310 0242
U+0223ȣ0310 0243
U+0224Ȥ0310 0244
U+0225ȥ0310 0245
U+0226Ȧ0310 0246
U+0227ȧ0310 0247
U+0228Ȩ0310 0250
U+0229ȩ0310 0251
U+022AȪ0310 0252
U+022Bȫ0310 0253
U+022CȬ0310 0254
U+022Dȭ0310 0255
U+022EȮ0310 0256
U+022Fȯ0310 0257
U+0230Ȱ0310 0260
U+0231ȱ0310 0261
U+0232Ȳ0310 0262
U+0233ȳ0310 0263
U+0234ȴ0310 0264
U+0235ȵ0310 0265
U+0236ȶ0310 0266
U+0237ȷ0310 0267
U+0238ȸ0310 0270
U+0239ȹ0310 0271
U+023AȺ0310 0272
U+023BȻ0310 0273
U+023Cȼ0310 0274
U+023DȽ0310 0275
U+023EȾ0310 0276
U+023Fȿ0310 0277
U+0240ɀ0311 0200
U+0241Ɂ0311 0201
U+0242ɂ0311 0202
U+0243Ƀ0311 0203
U+0244Ʉ0311 0204
U+0245Ʌ0311 0205
U+0246Ɇ0311 0206
U+0247ɇ0311 0207
U+0248Ɉ0311 0210
U+0249ɉ0311 0211
U+024AɊ0311 0212
U+024Bɋ0311 0213
U+024CɌ0311 0214
U+024Dɍ0311 0215
U+024EɎ0311 0216
U+024Fɏ0311 0217
U+0250ɐ0311 0220
U+0251ɑ0311 0221
U+0252ɒ0311 0222
U+0253ɓ0311 0223
U+0254ɔ0311 0224
U+0255ɕ0311 0225
U+0256ɖ0311 0226
U+0257ɗ0311 0227
U+0258ɘ0311 0230
U+0259ə0311 0231
U+025Aɚ0311 0232
U+025Bɛ0311 0233
U+025Cɜ0311 0234
U+025Dɝ0311 0235
U+025Eɞ0311 0236
U+025Fɟ0311 0237
U+0260ɠ0311 0240
U+0261ɡ0311 0241
U+0262ɢ0311 0242
U+0263ɣ0311 0243
U+0264ɤ0311 0244
U+0265ɥ0311 0245
U+0266ɦ0311 0246
U+0267ɧ0311 0247
U+0268ɨ0311 0250
U+0269ɩ0311 0251
U+026Aɪ0311 0252
U+026Bɫ0311 0253
U+026Cɬ0311 0254
U+026Dɭ0311 0255
U+026Eɮ0311 0256
U+026Fɯ0311 0257
U+0270ɰ0311 0260
U+0271ɱ0311 0261
U+0272ɲ0311 0262
U+0273ɳ0311 0263
U+0274ɴ0311 0264
U+0275ɵ0311 0265
U+0276ɶ0311 0266
U+0277ɷ0311 0267
U+0278ɸ0311 0270
U+0279ɹ0311 0271
U+027Aɺ0311 0272
U+027Bɻ0311 0273
U+027Cɼ0311 0274
U+027Dɽ0311 0275
U+027Eɾ0311 0276
U+027Fɿ0311 0277