UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+5B00 to U+5CFF

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Unicode U+0090
UTF-8 0xc2 0x90
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+5B000xe5 0xac 0x80嬀
U+5B010xe5 0xac 0x81嬁
U+5B020xe5 0xac 0x82嬂
U+5B030xe5 0xac 0x83嬃
U+5B040xe5 0xac 0x84嬄
U+5B050xe5 0xac 0x85嬅
U+5B060xe5 0xac 0x86嬆
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U+5B110xe5 0xac 0x91嬑
U+5B120xe5 0xac 0x92嬒
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