UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+E4A00 to U+E4A7F

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code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
display Ƙ
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0198
UTF-8 198 152
code point
character UTF-8
U+E4A00󤨀243 164 168 128
U+E4A01󤨁243 164 168 129
U+E4A02󤨂243 164 168 130
U+E4A03󤨃243 164 168 131
U+E4A04󤨄243 164 168 132
U+E4A05󤨅243 164 168 133
U+E4A06󤨆243 164 168 134
U+E4A07󤨇243 164 168 135
U+E4A08󤨈243 164 168 136
U+E4A09󤨉243 164 168 137
U+E4A0A󤨊243 164 168 138
U+E4A0B󤨋243 164 168 139
U+E4A0C󤨌243 164 168 140
U+E4A0D󤨍243 164 168 141
U+E4A0E󤨎243 164 168 142
U+E4A0F󤨏243 164 168 143
U+E4A10󤨐243 164 168 144
U+E4A11󤨑243 164 168 145
U+E4A12󤨒243 164 168 146
U+E4A13󤨓243 164 168 147
U+E4A14󤨔243 164 168 148
U+E4A15󤨕243 164 168 149
U+E4A16󤨖243 164 168 150
U+E4A17󤨗243 164 168 151
U+E4A18󤨘243 164 168 152
U+E4A19󤨙243 164 168 153
U+E4A1A󤨚243 164 168 154
U+E4A1B󤨛243 164 168 155
U+E4A1C󤨜243 164 168 156
U+E4A1D󤨝243 164 168 157
U+E4A1E󤨞243 164 168 158
U+E4A1F󤨟243 164 168 159
U+E4A20󤨠243 164 168 160
U+E4A21󤨡243 164 168 161
U+E4A22󤨢243 164 168 162
U+E4A23󤨣243 164 168 163
U+E4A24󤨤243 164 168 164
U+E4A25󤨥243 164 168 165
U+E4A26󤨦243 164 168 166
U+E4A27󤨧243 164 168 167
U+E4A28󤨨243 164 168 168
U+E4A29󤨩243 164 168 169
U+E4A2A󤨪243 164 168 170
U+E4A2B󤨫243 164 168 171
U+E4A2C󤨬243 164 168 172
U+E4A2D󤨭243 164 168 173
U+E4A2E󤨮243 164 168 174
U+E4A2F󤨯243 164 168 175
U+E4A30󤨰243 164 168 176
U+E4A31󤨱243 164 168 177
U+E4A32󤨲243 164 168 178
U+E4A33󤨳243 164 168 179
U+E4A34󤨴243 164 168 180
U+E4A35󤨵243 164 168 181
U+E4A36󤨶243 164 168 182
U+E4A37󤨷243 164 168 183
U+E4A38󤨸243 164 168 184
U+E4A39󤨹243 164 168 185
U+E4A3A󤨺243 164 168 186
U+E4A3B󤨻243 164 168 187
U+E4A3C󤨼243 164 168 188
U+E4A3D󤨽243 164 168 189
U+E4A3E󤨾243 164 168 190
U+E4A3F󤨿243 164 168 191
U+E4A40󤩀243 164 169 128
U+E4A41󤩁243 164 169 129
U+E4A42󤩂243 164 169 130
U+E4A43󤩃243 164 169 131
U+E4A44󤩄243 164 169 132
U+E4A45󤩅243 164 169 133
U+E4A46󤩆243 164 169 134
U+E4A47󤩇243 164 169 135
U+E4A48󤩈243 164 169 136
U+E4A49󤩉243 164 169 137
U+E4A4A󤩊243 164 169 138
U+E4A4B󤩋243 164 169 139
U+E4A4C󤩌243 164 169 140
U+E4A4D󤩍243 164 169 141
U+E4A4E󤩎243 164 169 142
U+E4A4F󤩏243 164 169 143
U+E4A50󤩐243 164 169 144
U+E4A51󤩑243 164 169 145
U+E4A52󤩒243 164 169 146
U+E4A53󤩓243 164 169 147
U+E4A54󤩔243 164 169 148
U+E4A55󤩕243 164 169 149
U+E4A56󤩖243 164 169 150
U+E4A57󤩗243 164 169 151
U+E4A58󤩘243 164 169 152
U+E4A59󤩙243 164 169 153
U+E4A5A󤩚243 164 169 154
U+E4A5B󤩛243 164 169 155
U+E4A5C󤩜243 164 169 156
U+E4A5D󤩝243 164 169 157
U+E4A5E󤩞243 164 169 158
U+E4A5F󤩟243 164 169 159
U+E4A60󤩠243 164 169 160
U+E4A61󤩡243 164 169 161
U+E4A62󤩢243 164 169 162
U+E4A63󤩣243 164 169 163
U+E4A64󤩤243 164 169 164
U+E4A65󤩥243 164 169 165
U+E4A66󤩦243 164 169 166
U+E4A67󤩧243 164 169 167
U+E4A68󤩨243 164 169 168
U+E4A69󤩩243 164 169 169
U+E4A6A󤩪243 164 169 170
U+E4A6B󤩫243 164 169 171
U+E4A6C󤩬243 164 169 172
U+E4A6D󤩭243 164 169 173
U+E4A6E󤩮243 164 169 174
U+E4A6F󤩯243 164 169 175
U+E4A70󤩰243 164 169 176
U+E4A71󤩱243 164 169 177
U+E4A72󤩲243 164 169 178
U+E4A73󤩳243 164 169 179
U+E4A74󤩴243 164 169 180
U+E4A75󤩵243 164 169 181
U+E4A76󤩶243 164 169 182
U+E4A77󤩷243 164 169 183
U+E4A78󤩸243 164 169 184
U+E4A79󤩹243 164 169 185
U+E4A7A󤩺243 164 169 186
U+E4A7B󤩻243 164 169 187
U+E4A7C󤩼243 164 169 188
U+E4A7D󤩽243 164 169 189
U+E4A7E󤩾243 164 169 190
U+E4A7F󤩿243 164 169 191