UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+6D80 to U+6E7F

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code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
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UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
text accumulator (characters are added by clicking on the respective "append" link)
editing functions
append space · delete last character · clear accumulator
Unicode U+0012 U+0020
UTF-8 12 20
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+6D80e6 b6 80涀
U+6D81e6 b6 81涁
U+6D82e6 b6 82涂
U+6D83e6 b6 83涃
U+6D84e6 b6 84涄
U+6D85e6 b6 85涅
U+6D86e6 b6 86涆
U+6D87e6 b6 87涇
U+6D88e6 b6 88消
U+6D89e6 b6 89涉
U+6D8Ae6 b6 8a涊
U+6D8Be6 b6 8b涋
U+6D8Ce6 b6 8c涌
U+6D8De6 b6 8d涍
U+6D8Ee6 b6 8e涎
U+6D8Fe6 b6 8f涏
U+6D90e6 b6 90涐
U+6D91e6 b6 91涑
U+6D92e6 b6 92涒
U+6D93e6 b6 93涓
U+6D94e6 b6 94涔
U+6D95e6 b6 95涕
U+6D96e6 b6 96涖
U+6D97e6 b6 97涗
U+6D98e6 b6 98涘
U+6D99e6 b6 99涙
U+6D9Ae6 b6 9a涚
U+6D9Be6 b6 9b涛
U+6D9Ce6 b6 9c涜
U+6D9De6 b6 9d涝
U+6D9Ee6 b6 9e涞
U+6D9Fe6 b6 9f涟
U+6DA0e6 b6 a0涠
U+6DA1e6 b6 a1涡
U+6DA2e6 b6 a2涢
U+6DA3e6 b6 a3涣
U+6DA4e6 b6 a4涤
U+6DA5e6 b6 a5涥
U+6DA6e6 b6 a6润
U+6DA7e6 b6 a7涧
U+6DA8e6 b6 a8涨
U+6DA9e6 b6 a9涩
U+6DAAe6 b6 aa涪
U+6DABe6 b6 ab涫
U+6DACe6 b6 ac涬
U+6DADe6 b6 ad涭
U+6DAEe6 b6 ae涮
U+6DAFe6 b6 af涯
U+6DB0e6 b6 b0涰
U+6DB1e6 b6 b1涱
U+6DB2e6 b6 b2液
U+6DB3e6 b6 b3涳
U+6DB4e6 b6 b4涴
U+6DB5e6 b6 b5涵
U+6DB6e6 b6 b6涶
U+6DB7e6 b6 b7涷
U+6DB8e6 b6 b8涸
U+6DB9e6 b6 b9涹
U+6DBAe6 b6 ba涺
U+6DBBe6 b6 bb涻
U+6DBCe6 b6 bc涼
U+6DBDe6 b6 bd涽
U+6DBEe6 b6 be涾
U+6DBF涿e6 b6 bf涿涿
U+6DC0e6 b7 80淀
U+6DC1e6 b7 81淁
U+6DC2e6 b7 82淂
U+6DC3e6 b7 83淃
U+6DC4e6 b7 84淄
U+6DC5e6 b7 85淅
U+6DC6e6 b7 86淆
U+6DC7e6 b7 87淇
U+6DC8e6 b7 88淈
U+6DC9e6 b7 89淉
U+6DCAe6 b7 8a淊
U+6DCBe6 b7 8b淋
U+6DCCe6 b7 8c淌
U+6DCDe6 b7 8d淍
U+6DCEe6 b7 8e淎
U+6DCFe6 b7 8f淏
U+6DD0e6 b7 90淐
U+6DD1e6 b7 91淑
U+6DD2e6 b7 92淒
U+6DD3e6 b7 93淓
U+6DD4e6 b7 94淔
U+6DD5e6 b7 95淕
U+6DD6e6 b7 96淖
U+6DD7e6 b7 97淗
U+6DD8e6 b7 98淘
U+6DD9e6 b7 99淙
U+6DDAe6 b7 9a淚
U+6DDBe6 b7 9b淛
U+6DDCe6 b7 9c淜
U+6DDDe6 b7 9d淝
U+6DDEe6 b7 9e淞
U+6DDFe6 b7 9f淟
U+6DE0e6 b7 a0淠
U+6DE1e6 b7 a1淡
U+6DE2e6 b7 a2淢
U+6DE3e6 b7 a3淣
U+6DE4e6 b7 a4淤
U+6DE5e6 b7 a5淥
U+6DE6e6 b7 a6淦
U+6DE7e6 b7 a7淧
U+6DE8e6 b7 a8淨
U+6DE9e6 b7 a9淩
U+6DEAe6 b7 aa淪
U+6DEBe6 b7 ab淫
U+6DECe6 b7 ac淬
U+6DEDe6 b7 ad淭
U+6DEEe6 b7 ae淮
U+6DEFe6 b7 af淯
U+6DF0e6 b7 b0淰
U+6DF1e6 b7 b1深
U+6DF2e6 b7 b2淲
U+6DF3e6 b7 b3淳
U+6DF4e6 b7 b4淴
U+6DF5e6 b7 b5淵
U+6DF6e6 b7 b6淶
U+6DF7e6 b7 b7混
U+6DF8e6 b7 b8淸
U+6DF9e6 b7 b9淹
U+6DFAe6 b7 ba淺
U+6DFBe6 b7 bb添
U+6DFCe6 b7 bc淼
U+6DFDe6 b7 bd淽
U+6DFEe6 b7 be淾
U+6DFF淿e6 b7 bf淿淿
U+6E00e6 b8 80渀
U+6E01e6 b8 81渁
U+6E02e6 b8 82渂
U+6E03e6 b8 83渃
U+6E04e6 b8 84渄
U+6E05e6 b8 85清
U+6E06e6 b8 86渆
U+6E07e6 b8 87渇
U+6E08e6 b8 88済
U+6E09e6 b8 89渉
U+6E0Ae6 b8 8a渊
U+6E0Be6 b8 8b渋
U+6E0Ce6 b8 8c渌
U+6E0De6 b8 8d渍
U+6E0Ee6 b8 8e渎
U+6E0Fe6 b8 8f渏
U+6E10e6 b8 90渐
U+6E11e6 b8 91渑
U+6E12e6 b8 92渒
U+6E13e6 b8 93渓
U+6E14e6 b8 94渔
U+6E15e6 b8 95渕
U+6E16e6 b8 96渖
U+6E17e6 b8 97渗
U+6E18e6 b8 98渘
U+6E19e6 b8 99渙
U+6E1Ae6 b8 9a渚
U+6E1Be6 b8 9b減
U+6E1Ce6 b8 9c渜
U+6E1De6 b8 9d渝
U+6E1Ee6 b8 9e渞
U+6E1Fe6 b8 9f渟
U+6E20e6 b8 a0渠
U+6E21e6 b8 a1渡
U+6E22e6 b8 a2渢
U+6E23e6 b8 a3渣
U+6E24e6 b8 a4渤
U+6E25e6 b8 a5渥
U+6E26e6 b8 a6渦
U+6E27e6 b8 a7渧
U+6E28e6 b8 a8渨
U+6E29e6 b8 a9温
U+6E2Ae6 b8 aa渪
U+6E2Be6 b8 ab渫
U+6E2Ce6 b8 ac測
U+6E2De6 b8 ad渭
U+6E2Ee6 b8 ae渮
U+6E2Fe6 b8 af港
U+6E30e6 b8 b0渰
U+6E31e6 b8 b1渱
U+6E32e6 b8 b2渲
U+6E33e6 b8 b3渳
U+6E34e6 b8 b4渴
U+6E35e6 b8 b5渵
U+6E36e6 b8 b6渶
U+6E37e6 b8 b7渷
U+6E38e6 b8 b8游
U+6E39e6 b8 b9渹
U+6E3Ae6 b8 ba渺
U+6E3Be6 b8 bb渻
U+6E3Ce6 b8 bc渼
U+6E3De6 b8 bd渽
U+6E3Ee6 b8 be渾
U+6E3F渿e6 b8 bf渿渿
U+6E40e6 b9 80湀
U+6E41e6 b9 81湁
U+6E42e6 b9 82湂
U+6E43e6 b9 83湃
U+6E44e6 b9 84湄
U+6E45e6 b9 85湅
U+6E46e6 b9 86湆
U+6E47e6 b9 87湇
U+6E48e6 b9 88湈
U+6E49e6 b9 89湉
U+6E4Ae6 b9 8a湊
U+6E4Be6 b9 8b湋
U+6E4Ce6 b9 8c湌
U+6E4De6 b9 8d湍
U+6E4Ee6 b9 8e湎
U+6E4Fe6 b9 8f湏
U+6E50e6 b9 90湐
U+6E51e6 b9 91湑
U+6E52e6 b9 92湒
U+6E53e6 b9 93湓
U+6E54e6 b9 94湔
U+6E55e6 b9 95湕
U+6E56e6 b9 96湖
U+6E57e6 b9 97湗
U+6E58e6 b9 98湘
U+6E59e6 b9 99湙
U+6E5Ae6 b9 9a湚
U+6E5Be6 b9 9b湛
U+6E5Ce6 b9 9c湜
U+6E5De6 b9 9d湝
U+6E5Ee6 b9 9e湞
U+6E5Fe6 b9 9f湟
U+6E60e6 b9 a0湠
U+6E61e6 b9 a1湡
U+6E62e6 b9 a2湢
U+6E63e6 b9 a3湣
U+6E64e6 b9 a4湤
U+6E65e6 b9 a5湥
U+6E66e6 b9 a6湦
U+6E67e6 b9 a7湧
U+6E68e6 b9 a8湨
U+6E69e6 b9 a9湩
U+6E6Ae6 b9 aa湪
U+6E6Be6 b9 ab湫
U+6E6Ce6 b9 ac湬
U+6E6De6 b9 ad湭
U+6E6Ee6 b9 ae湮
U+6E6Fe6 b9 af湯
U+6E70e6 b9 b0湰
U+6E71e6 b9 b1湱
U+6E72e6 b9 b2湲
U+6E73e6 b9 b3湳
U+6E74e6 b9 b4湴
U+6E75e6 b9 b5湵
U+6E76e6 b9 b6湶
U+6E77e6 b9 b7湷
U+6E78e6 b9 b8湸
U+6E79e6 b9 b9湹
U+6E7Ae6 b9 ba湺
U+6E7Be6 b9 bb湻
U+6E7Ce6 b9 bc湼
U+6E7De6 b9 bd湽
U+6E7Ee6 b9 be湾
U+6E7F湿e6 b9 bf湿湿