UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+2080 to U+20FF

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code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+2080e2 82 80₀
U+2081e2 82 81₁
U+2082e2 82 82₂
U+2083e2 82 83₃
U+2084e2 82 84₄
U+2085e2 82 85₅
U+2086e2 82 86₆
U+2087e2 82 87₇
U+2088e2 82 88₈
U+2089e2 82 89₉
U+208Ae2 82 8a₊
U+208Be2 82 8b₋
U+208Ce2 82 8c₌
U+208De2 82 8d₍
U+208Ee2 82 8e₎
U+208Fe2 82 8f₏
U+2090e2 82 90ₐ
U+2091e2 82 91ₑ
U+2092e2 82 92ₒ
U+2093e2 82 93ₓ
U+2094e2 82 94ₔ
U+2095e2 82 95ₕ
U+2096e2 82 96ₖ
U+2097e2 82 97ₗ
U+2098e2 82 98ₘ
U+2099e2 82 99ₙ
U+209Ae2 82 9aₚ
U+209Be2 82 9bₛ
U+209Ce2 82 9cₜ
U+209De2 82 9d₝
U+209Ee2 82 9e₞
U+209Fe2 82 9f₟
U+20A0e2 82 a0₠
U+20A1e2 82 a1₡
U+20A2e2 82 a2₢
U+20A3e2 82 a3₣
U+20A4e2 82 a4₤
U+20A5e2 82 a5₥
U+20A6e2 82 a6₦
U+20A7e2 82 a7₧
U+20A8e2 82 a8₨
U+20A9e2 82 a9₩
U+20AAe2 82 aa₪
U+20ABe2 82 ab₫
U+20ACe2 82 ac€
U+20ADe2 82 ad₭
U+20AEe2 82 ae₮
U+20AFe2 82 af₯
U+20B0e2 82 b0₰
U+20B1e2 82 b1₱
U+20B2e2 82 b2₲
U+20B3e2 82 b3₳
U+20B4e2 82 b4₴
U+20B5e2 82 b5₵
U+20B6e2 82 b6₶
U+20B7e2 82 b7₷
U+20B8e2 82 b8₸
U+20B9e2 82 b9₹
U+20BAe2 82 ba₺
U+20BBe2 82 bb₻
U+20BCe2 82 bc₼
U+20BDe2 82 bd₽
U+20BEe2 82 be₾
U+20BFe2 82 bf₿
U+20C0e2 83 80⃀
U+20C1e2 83 81⃁
U+20C2e2 83 82⃂
U+20C3e2 83 83⃃
U+20C4e2 83 84⃄
U+20C5e2 83 85⃅
U+20C6e2 83 86⃆
U+20C7e2 83 87⃇
U+20C8e2 83 88⃈
U+20C9e2 83 89⃉
U+20CAe2 83 8a⃊
U+20CBe2 83 8b⃋
U+20CCe2 83 8c⃌
U+20CDe2 83 8d⃍
U+20CEe2 83 8e⃎
U+20CFe2 83 8f⃏
U+20D0e2 83 90⃐
U+20D1e2 83 91⃑
U+20D2e2 83 92⃒
U+20D3e2 83 93⃓
U+20D4e2 83 94⃔
U+20D5e2 83 95⃕
U+20D6e2 83 96⃖
U+20D7e2 83 97⃗
U+20D8e2 83 98⃘
U+20D9e2 83 99⃙
U+20DAe2 83 9a⃚
U+20DBe2 83 9b⃛
U+20DCe2 83 9c⃜
U+20DDe2 83 9d⃝
U+20DEe2 83 9e⃞
U+20DFe2 83 9f⃟
U+20E0e2 83 a0⃠
U+20E1e2 83 a1⃡
U+20E2e2 83 a2⃢
U+20E3e2 83 a3⃣
U+20E4e2 83 a4⃤
U+20E5e2 83 a5⃥
U+20E6e2 83 a6⃦
U+20E7e2 83 a7⃧
U+20E8e2 83 a8⃨
U+20E9e2 83 a9⃩
U+20EAe2 83 aa⃪
U+20EBe2 83 ab⃫
U+20ECe2 83 ac⃬
U+20EDe2 83 ad⃭
U+20EEe2 83 ae⃮
U+20EFe2 83 af⃯
U+20F0e2 83 b0⃰
U+20F1e2 83 b1⃱
U+20F2e2 83 b2⃲
U+20F3e2 83 b3⃳
U+20F4e2 83 b4⃴
U+20F5e2 83 b5⃵
U+20F6e2 83 b6⃶
U+20F7e2 83 b7⃷
U+20F8e2 83 b8⃸
U+20F9e2 83 b9⃹
U+20FAe2 83 ba⃺
U+20FBe2 83 bb⃻
U+20FCe2 83 bc⃼
U+20FDe2 83 bd⃽
U+20FEe2 83 be⃾
U+20FFe2 83 bf⃿