UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters

page with code points U+2080 to U+20FF

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code positions per page 128 · 256 · 512 · 1024
display format for
UTF-8 encoding
hex. · decimal · hex. (0x) · octal · binary · for Perl string literals · One Latin-1 char per byte · no display
Unicode character names not displayed · displayed · also display deprecated Unicode 1.0 names
links for adding char to text displayed · not displayed
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
not displayed · decimal · hexadecimal
HTML 4.0 character entities displayed · not displayed
code point
character UTF-8
numerical HTML encoding
of the Unicode character
U+2080226 130 128₀
U+2081226 130 129₁
U+2082226 130 130₂
U+2083226 130 131₃
U+2084226 130 132₄
U+2085226 130 133₅
U+2086226 130 134₆
U+2087226 130 135₇
U+2088226 130 136₈
U+2089226 130 137₉
U+208A226 130 138₊
U+208B226 130 139₋
U+208C226 130 140₌
U+208D226 130 141₍
U+208E226 130 142₎
U+208F226 130 143₏
U+2090226 130 144ₐ
U+2091226 130 145ₑ
U+2092226 130 146ₒ
U+2093226 130 147ₓ
U+2094226 130 148ₔ
U+2095226 130 149ₕ
U+2096226 130 150ₖ
U+2097226 130 151ₗ
U+2098226 130 152ₘ
U+2099226 130 153ₙ
U+209A226 130 154ₚ
U+209B226 130 155ₛ
U+209C226 130 156ₜ
U+209D226 130 157₝
U+209E226 130 158₞
U+209F226 130 159₟
U+20A0226 130 160₠
U+20A1226 130 161₡
U+20A2226 130 162₢
U+20A3226 130 163₣
U+20A4226 130 164₤
U+20A5226 130 165₥
U+20A6226 130 166₦
U+20A7226 130 167₧
U+20A8226 130 168₨
U+20A9226 130 169₩
U+20AA226 130 170₪
U+20AB226 130 171₫
U+20AC226 130 172€
U+20AD226 130 173₭
U+20AE226 130 174₮
U+20AF226 130 175₯
U+20B0226 130 176₰
U+20B1226 130 177₱
U+20B2226 130 178₲
U+20B3226 130 179₳
U+20B4226 130 180₴
U+20B5226 130 181₵
U+20B6226 130 182₶
U+20B7226 130 183₷
U+20B8226 130 184₸
U+20B9226 130 185₹
U+20BA226 130 186₺
U+20BB226 130 187₻
U+20BC226 130 188₼
U+20BD226 130 189₽
U+20BE226 130 190₾
U+20BF226 130 191₿
U+20C0226 131 128⃀
U+20C1226 131 129⃁
U+20C2226 131 130⃂
U+20C3226 131 131⃃
U+20C4226 131 132⃄
U+20C5226 131 133⃅
U+20C6226 131 134⃆
U+20C7226 131 135⃇
U+20C8226 131 136⃈
U+20C9226 131 137⃉
U+20CA226 131 138⃊
U+20CB226 131 139⃋
U+20CC226 131 140⃌
U+20CD226 131 141⃍
U+20CE226 131 142⃎
U+20CF226 131 143⃏
U+20D0226 131 144⃐
U+20D1226 131 145⃑
U+20D2226 131 146⃒
U+20D3226 131 147⃓
U+20D4226 131 148⃔
U+20D5226 131 149⃕
U+20D6226 131 150⃖
U+20D7226 131 151⃗
U+20D8226 131 152⃘
U+20D9226 131 153⃙
U+20DA226 131 154⃚
U+20DB226 131 155⃛
U+20DC226 131 156⃜
U+20DD226 131 157⃝
U+20DE226 131 158⃞
U+20DF226 131 159⃟
U+20E0226 131 160⃠
U+20E1226 131 161⃡
U+20E2226 131 162⃢
U+20E3226 131 163⃣
U+20E4226 131 164⃤
U+20E5226 131 165⃥
U+20E6226 131 166⃦
U+20E7226 131 167⃧
U+20E8226 131 168⃨
U+20E9226 131 169⃩
U+20EA226 131 170⃪
U+20EB226 131 171⃫
U+20EC226 131 172⃬
U+20ED226 131 173⃭
U+20EE226 131 174⃮
U+20EF226 131 175⃯
U+20F0226 131 176⃰
U+20F1226 131 177⃱
U+20F2226 131 178⃲
U+20F3226 131 179⃳
U+20F4226 131 180⃴
U+20F5226 131 181⃵
U+20F6226 131 182⃶
U+20F7226 131 183⃷
U+20F8226 131 184⃸
U+20F9226 131 185⃹
U+20FA226 131 186⃺
U+20FB226 131 187⃻
U+20FC226 131 188⃼
U+20FD226 131 189⃽
U+20FE226 131 190⃾
U+20FF226 131 191⃿